The new “tummy time”
How many of us have been holding our tummies in since puberty? Maybe we were bullied, maybe we saw images online/in magazines, maybe we observed it in other people we knew… For a lot of women, having a small or flat stomach has been reinforced as a) aesthetically pleasing, b) prized, and c) the norm.
The challenging thing about that is .. it can make it hard for our abdominal muscles, organs, fascia, etc to operate at full “capacity” (if you will). We’re inadvertently creating a sort of suction or vacuuming effect by sucking in our stomach. Sometimes we may even notice or develop a line around the middle.
Here’s my challenge to you; Take time for the new “tummy time.” Spend time each day intentionally relaxing the muscles of your abdomen. You can even try this in a crawl position (like cat and cow, if you’re familiar). Honestly, a simple visualization I give is that you imagine you’re a happy mama cow in a field of wildflowers. Let those cute little udders hang low and relaxed, lean your head upwards slightly to breathe in the yummy air, and allow your booty to pop up a little (as long as this does not hurt your back).
Because this can be a really vulnerable or uncomfortable movement and position for you, try saying some nice words to your body: “Hey! You’re beautiful!” “You can take up space!” “You sustain me!” You keep me working and moving and digesting!” “I LOVE YOU!”
Try it out. You may be surprised with how it makes you feel.